So, after 3 long months away I have finally returned back to London. I can honestly say that this summer was one of the best I have ever experienced. But apart from all the women, parties, bars and numerous other fun activities I indulged in the one thing that will typify this summer is the huge jump in my personal self development.
Returning back to London after spending 3 years in Brighton had a weird affect on me which I will blog about at a later date but being away from the whole country for 3 months had an unexpected result. As some of you may tell from the few sporadic posts I did while I was away, that it gave me a lot of time to really critique myself as a person. After that I started to question some of the relationships I had back home and slowly realised that they weren't what they thought they were. This lead to me coming to a bleak realisation that these people have been in fact holding me back rather than trying to push towards my goals. So now that I am back I have begun to tell certain friends that the dynamics of our friendship have changed and I can no longer be held back by them and it is time to move on. No malice, no negativity, no insult untended - just realness.
My sabbatical allowed me to review myself. It rejuvenated and recharged my batteries and equipped me with a new set of skills that will help me in my new life.
So its good to be back but I want people to know that I have come back a changed man. Certain people haven't taken me very seriously just yet, but I am sure that will change soon.
More posts to follow soonish because I am jet lagged and need at least a week to recover.