This will be a recurring element on my page amongst other things. Now you know I Love music. Me and music have had a love affair that has spanned almost a decade now and although we've been through some rough patches we're as strong as ever.
She's down for me and I'm down for her!!
So every week I will be searching my extensive music data banks and bringing back the tunes and Da Jams form back in the day that you should never forget.
So my first Forget Me Not will actually be Forget Me Nots by Patrice Rushen. This infectious tune was released in the early 1980's and was a dance floor hit. Some of you may recognise the beat from the Will Smith song- Men In Black- which was the title song for the soundtrack for the movie Men In Black which was a Box Office Smash.
So here is my first B.I.D.R.O.W (Back In the Day Record Of the Week)
Patrice Rushen with Forget Me Nots.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Forget Me Nots- Back In The Day Record Of The Week
2008- A Year In Reflection..........
As I come to the end of another year it is only normal that I look back and evaluate my life over the last 12 months. I'm still undecided as to if 2008 was a good or bad year but hopefully by the end of this post I would have come to a decision.
Unfortunately I came into the new year with quite a serious shoulder injury and so I wasn't able to perform certain activities as well as I would have liked to (If you know what I mean *wink*wink*). Everything from just writing to sleeping was a mission in itself and I was in constant pain. But the painkillers I got were probably the best thing about them. I understand why people get addicted to them now...............THEY ARE SICK!!
I mean they just regulate your sleep so simply, and if you know me, then you know I am a part time insomniac.
2008 and was also the year I decided to stop denying my feelings and finally admit that............... I LOVE FUNKY!!!!!!
It took a while but like any other relationship it took a while for me to realise my true feelings. I hated funky in the beginning, I hated the songs, I hated the dances and I especially hated the " I Will Be There" catchphrases. But I hit 1,2 raves and I saw the atmosphere it created and I was hooked.
Next came my mid term excursion to Florida. Now you know I love going on holiday and getting away was exactly what I needed at that time. Except for a few arguments the holiday was great.

Next came the ACS Amsterdam Weekender. It was honestly the craziest and funniest weekend I have ever had in my life. Now I know people say what happens in Dam' stays in Dam but I'm just gonna give a quick run down.
The Brighton Man dem rolled deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.........
We smoked until we couldn't smoke no more..............

I have never been so high in my life. Which was evident by the one hour non stop laughing fit I went on. There was also the sickest funky mix I heard in one cafe we were in. It actually stings my soul that I will never hear it again- it was a thing of beauty Also certain man thought they were invincible and were eating some weed cakes like it was nothing. Lets just say certain man never survived the night long enough to remember.

Certain man were hallucinating and all sorts. Conking out in raves and shit. Next time Just leave it alone!!!
And also certain man got way too comfortable with each other:

It was just one unforgettable weekend.
Then came SATS I. One of the sickest raves of the year. Well done to all the man that out in the work to make the night such a success.
Then came the deadest summer EVER!! I mean there was no sunshine. All it did was rain. I don't think I have ever been so bored in my life. But if I had to choose one highlight, apart from going to the London Motor Show, it would have definitely been going to see this:
Then around September a very ruthless streak began whereby I had to lock a certain number of people off because they were not acting right. This included my girlfriend at the time and a number of close friends. I'm sorry but it had to be done. If you were among the casualties and this is the only way you can interact with me then I wish you a happy new year and hopes your life goes well!! Shout out to my ex fiance as well........... Hope your life is still as waste as always!!
Then came SATS II. Definitely a rave that is in my top 5 raves ever. This night had everything. Good atmosphere, The sickest dj's, the alcohol was flowing like a waterfall. And to top it all off Yasmin had crippled herself, switched on the whole rave, went hospital, came back and skanked out harder than anyone else, all this on her crutches as well. I mean; you cannot write this stuff.
Yasmin I salute you!!!
And only recently I celebrated my 21st Birthday. I didn't want to make anything of it but my loving friends did. So I just said lets do something simple like Nandoe's or Tinsel Town, we ended up doing both. I was only expecting like 5 people to come but I found out I ahve a lot of very good friends that will roll for me at a seconds notice.
So I just wanna say a big THANKYOU to all the people that made my 21st so memorable.
WOOOOOOOOOW......................Wat a year.
I'm still unsure but I think I'll rate this year a 6 out of 10. There were good times and bad times but I'm sure 2009 will be a great one. So i leave you with these words for your own reflection:
Unfortunately I came into the new year with quite a serious shoulder injury and so I wasn't able to perform certain activities as well as I would have liked to (If you know what I mean *wink*wink*). Everything from just writing to sleeping was a mission in itself and I was in constant pain. But the painkillers I got were probably the best thing about them. I understand why people get addicted to them now...............THEY ARE SICK!!
I mean they just regulate your sleep so simply, and if you know me, then you know I am a part time insomniac.
2008 and was also the year I decided to stop denying my feelings and finally admit that............... I LOVE FUNKY!!!!!!
It took a while but like any other relationship it took a while for me to realise my true feelings. I hated funky in the beginning, I hated the songs, I hated the dances and I especially hated the " I Will Be There" catchphrases. But I hit 1,2 raves and I saw the atmosphere it created and I was hooked.
Next came my mid term excursion to Florida. Now you know I love going on holiday and getting away was exactly what I needed at that time. Except for a few arguments the holiday was great.
Next came the ACS Amsterdam Weekender. It was honestly the craziest and funniest weekend I have ever had in my life. Now I know people say what happens in Dam' stays in Dam but I'm just gonna give a quick run down.
The Brighton Man dem rolled deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.........
I have never been so high in my life. Which was evident by the one hour non stop laughing fit I went on. There was also the sickest funky mix I heard in one cafe we were in. It actually stings my soul that I will never hear it again- it was a thing of beauty Also certain man thought they were invincible and were eating some weed cakes like it was nothing. Lets just say certain man never survived the night long enough to remember.
Certain man were hallucinating and all sorts. Conking out in raves and shit. Next time Just leave it alone!!!
And also certain man got way too comfortable with each other:
It was just one unforgettable weekend.
Then came SATS I. One of the sickest raves of the year. Well done to all the man that out in the work to make the night such a success.

Then came SATS II. Definitely a rave that is in my top 5 raves ever. This night had everything. Good atmosphere, The sickest dj's, the alcohol was flowing like a waterfall. And to top it all off Yasmin had crippled herself, switched on the whole rave, went hospital, came back and skanked out harder than anyone else, all this on her crutches as well. I mean; you cannot write this stuff.
Yasmin I salute you!!!

WOOOOOOOOOW......................Wat a year.
I'm still unsure but I think I'll rate this year a 6 out of 10. There were good times and bad times but I'm sure 2009 will be a great one. So i leave you with these words for your own reflection:
If you think back and replay your year, and it doesn't bring out tears of joy or sadness.......... consider it wasted.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Well It's Finally here................................MIKEZ WORLD.
I know it took a while but I am an extremely busy guy but I've finally got it up and running so I hope you don't hold it against me. I know it looks kinda dead at the moment but I've been told the main aim of my blog has to be content and not style. But don't worry the blog will look more aesthetically pleasing given time.
Now a lot of people have been asking me what the theme of my Blog would be, and it was a question I didn't really want to answer because when I first envisioned this blog I never really had any real direction I wanted to go in. All I know is that I have my own very "unique" view of the world to say the least and people seem to enjoy it when I share these views. This blog is merely an expression of the views and experiences I come across in life. Hence my my motto:
So expect nothing; but a lot at the same time.
Also just a few thank yous are in order because this wouldn't have been possible without the help and input from a few people.
I guess the #1 thank you has to go to my friend Julie aka M.I.T.S whose input on the blog has been immense. I really do consider her to be the best blogger I have read. And there is no doubt she will be helping me even more over the coming months.
Another thankyou has to go to my girl Gabrielle who I didn't even know had a blog and has been blogging for the last few years, but hey I guess you never really know your friends properly. But her advice and tips have come in handy and you can read her
And just a big thankyou to everyone else who pushed me to this and hopefully I will not let you down and this blog will be every much as entertaining as you expect it to be.
NOW LET THE MADNESS BEGIN..................................
I know it took a while but I am an extremely busy guy but I've finally got it up and running so I hope you don't hold it against me. I know it looks kinda dead at the moment but I've been told the main aim of my blog has to be content and not style. But don't worry the blog will look more aesthetically pleasing given time.
Now a lot of people have been asking me what the theme of my Blog would be, and it was a question I didn't really want to answer because when I first envisioned this blog I never really had any real direction I wanted to go in. All I know is that I have my own very "unique" view of the world to say the least and people seem to enjoy it when I share these views. This blog is merely an expression of the views and experiences I come across in life. Hence my my motto:
So expect nothing; but a lot at the same time.
Also just a few thank yous are in order because this wouldn't have been possible without the help and input from a few people.
I guess the #1 thank you has to go to my friend Julie aka M.I.T.S whose input on the blog has been immense. I really do consider her to be the best blogger I have read. And there is no doubt she will be helping me even more over the coming months.
Another thankyou has to go to my girl Gabrielle who I didn't even know had a blog and has been blogging for the last few years, but hey I guess you never really know your friends properly. But her advice and tips have come in handy and you can read her
And just a big thankyou to everyone else who pushed me to this and hopefully I will not let you down and this blog will be every much as entertaining as you expect it to be.
NOW LET THE MADNESS BEGIN..................................
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