Alicia Keys Feat. Drake - Unthinkable Remix
Chris Brown Feat. Tyga & Kevin McCall - Deuces
Ludacris Feat. Trey Songz - Sex Room
Lil Wayne - Single
Black Ice Feat. Jen Jen - Don't Touch
Young Money - Ms Parker
Friday, 28 May 2010
Thursday, 27 May 2010
A Catch Up Session With Mr Ogundare

On a chance encounter I recently got to catch up with the often elusive Mr Ogundare, the controversial writer of the blog 'Mikez World'. I saw this as a golden opportunity to pick one of the most uncensored and unpolitically correct minds our generation has to offer.
MJ: So Mr Ogundare, its been a very long time you have blessed us with your thoughts. Why exactly did you leave the blogging world?
Mikez: (Shamefully laughs) I didn't really leave, I would call it an extended sabbatical. It was a mixture of things really. I came back from my holidays a new person but had to readjust to living in the real world with no safety net. Other things just took priority and writing just really wasn't on my mind. After a while it was just laziness amongst other things, but I was always going to return. There is only so long I can shut myself up for
MJ: Yes, it does seems that the few posts you did write before your "sabbatical" they showed a lot of self reflection. Was there a lot of upheaval in your life at this time?
Mikez: Upheaval seems like too strong a word but there was definitely change. While I was away on holiday I realised for the first time in three years I didn't have work, deadlines, dissertation or exams to worry about. While surrounded by the love of my family friends in America I just took the time out to really take a long, deep look at myself. There were a lot of things I did not like about myself in terms of my behaviour and attitude. I also thought I was too dependent on certain things and certain people so it was time for a change. Me putting my thoughts on my blog has always been a way for me to verbalise mt thoughts. But with this it was something more, it was somewhat cathartic. It helped ease me into the transition I was going through.
MJ: Sounds deep.
Mikez: It was. But it was great. I think I had resumed the journey I had started a number of years ago but had to pause during my time at Uni but now I feel like I'm right back on track. Back on the road to being the man people always knew I could be.
MJ: So what exactly have you been up to with your more refined self?
Mikez: I've just been doing everything that makes me happy really. I have been keeping fit and signed up to my local gym, reading as much as I can and strengthening my relationships with my friends and family. I've been building up my contacts and have had the pleasure of meeting some amazing people over the last few months. I've been volunteering in my community and help teach kids from the ages of 9-14 basketball twice a week in Finsbury Park. I also started playing American football again and I currently play for the London Blitz who are the current National Champions, all this while looking for work. Doing a little but of everything really, I guess the only thing was missing was me writing again as it is one of my passions.
MJ: You have been real busy. So you just weren't laying at home doing nothing then?
Mikez: LOL. I was for a while but I'm a very active guy, I'm always going find something to do eventually.
MJ: So what books have you been reading?
Mikez: For some reason I've been very interested in Black psychologists at the moment and their thoughts on colonialism and racism. Dr Frances Cress Welsing's 'The Isis Papers' and Franz Fanon's 'Black Skin White Masks' have dominated my time. Two amazing books but sometimes very controversial and hard to understand but I'm always trying to expand my knowledge base.
MJ: And what about your love life? I know people are always interested in that.
Mikez: People ain't interested in that. I'm perennially single anyway so there is no love life to talk about anyway.
MJ: It was wonderful catching up with you Michael and hopefully we'll be seeing some new posts by you very soon.
Mikez: You definitely will!
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