I thought I should commit a blog post to clear up a few inaccuracies and misconceptions people seem to continuously have about me.
1) I am NOT an atheist. I know I am fairly outspoken when it comes to mass organized religion but please don't confuse this as an attack on your own personal spirituality. I do believe in a higher spiritual entity, whatever it may be, but I just don't believe in these western monotheistic religion's conception of God. Sorry. People seem to think that you need religion to access spirituality which in my opinion is a dangerous ideal to propagate. I am deeply spiritual, it's just not in a way you can categorize.
2) Following on from that: I am NOT Muslim. For some reason people seem to think I am Muslim. Maybe it is because I shave my head and do have a slightly unmanageable beard but this surely does not mean I am a Muslim. It is a lot easier for me in my hectic schedule to just shave my head so I don't have to worry about and besides I like the look. I think the rugged image suits me from time to time but from now on I will try harder to keep things looking trim and proper.
3) You confuse me as someone who has an interest in politics but I have NO interest in being a politician. I started a love affair with Government and Politics ever since I took it as an A-Level way back when. I think it is a major disadvantage that the majority of my generation I have happened to come in contact with know little to almost nothing on how our political system works. To date there has only ever been two people I could talk politics to on a deep level. My political views are controversial to say the least but I just want to thank everyone who said they would back me if I ever ran for PM. Although I fear this country is not ready for my brand of governance. I do feel the majority of politicians are inept and despicable characters and the current political system only seems to keep putting the same kind of idiots into public office. So until there is a change in the system and therefore a change in what it means to be a politician I'm just going to hold back. But still.................................OGUNDARE 2015 (Or someday)

4) I do NOT have a problem with females that wear weave. I just think its silly that its biggest consumers make little or no money from it. Makes no sense, I've heard even Brazilians have entered into this hair foray. As long as it looks good and it doesn't look like any dead animal has been hot-glued onto your scalp I have no complaints. Although I am extremely attracted to females who have the confidence to rock their short hair in a natural way. We all don't need to conform to the European beauty ideal.
5) I am NOT some militant black power revolutionary. Not yet anyway. I find it really stupid that to profess a love for Black people and the problems we face people think you have to fall into the aforementioned category. This is not some blind love either. For all the things that are great about us I know we face some difficult and deeply entrenched problems. But I believe these can be over come with (re)education of self. So the next time you wonder why I'm interested in "all that Black stuff" just remember the answer is simple: BECAUSE I'M BLACK FOOL!
6) When it comes to females I've been involved with I DON'T lie. I am not a womanizer, even if I wanted to I couldn't be. It seems I can't even stand next to a female without someone thinking I have already "been" with her. I am a straight up guy and if I have told you before that I haven't been with a particular female PLEASE BELIEVE ME. Don't ask me a few months later expecting a different reply. I guess I should be kind of flattered that people have such faith in my "mating" skills but to be honest I'm a bit of a shy guy.
7) YES I am a bum guy, I cant deny. I have a supreme weakness for a girl with a nice backoff. Now I don't need someone like Bria Myles (although it would be nice) but something nice and proportional to the girl's frame does me fine. Obviously this doesn't come before whats in the girl's head but the addition of a nice bum is a deal clincher for me. Because its all good if you got a bum full of junk but whats the point if your head is filled with the same?
8) I am NOT against marriage. I just feel when people think about this sacred institution all they talk of is the ceremony, honeymoon and the good times. I am not as disillusioned. Being around a young married couple last year showed me how much hard work and dedication goes into maintaining a successful marriage. If everyone else realised this then maybe the divorce rate wouldn't be so high.
9) I DO have love for my Nigerian sisters. But you females think way too far ahead when you meet me. I know you are under immense familial pressure to get married and have kids and the majority of you have it planned out to the finest detail. Regardless, I don't like being rushed. Just because we're both Nigerian does not mean we have to be together and my supposed light skin should not be treated as some kind of novelty. I recently heard a statistic that said that every 1 out of 6 Black people you meet will be Nigerian. Which means there are plenty of Nigerian males out there, just be patient but I'm sure this will fall on def ears. Sorry if this made me sound big headed. I know I talk about Ghanaian girls a lot but I still got love for my sisters.
10) I DO want kids, I'm just in no rush. I have a lot more to accomplish before I even start thinking about having kids.
11) I do NOT believe in "The One" nor understand this thing called "Love".
12) I am NOT even remotely financially well off. I'm sorry if I have ever mislead people into believing I had more money than I let on but I'll be the first to admit I am poor. OK I'm not that poor but my level of being classified as poor is higher than most people I know. The times when I have had money is all down to hard work, no 419's or wealthy relatives. All the holidays I go on I work really hard for. No one spoils me so from time to time I spoil myself. Being broke is a sorry state of existence and it is not something I intend to be for much longer.
Hopefully that's cleared a lot of ish up for you. Man you people really had me confused.
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