Monday, 6 April 2009

Would You Save A Stranger??

Yh I know I'm a waste man for not posting when I said I would.

But between working and writing a dissertation I have no time to do anything but I've been feeling overly creative recently and I had to release something.

So because a few of you wonderful people know that my dissertation is on youth violence, quite a number of you text me a couple of nights ago telling me to watch channel 4 because you thought it was relevant to my disso.

It wasn't that relevant at all but it was interesting none the less.

And it poses the very real question that in any given situation when another member of our society is in trouble would we help them even if it meant risk to our own well being?

Now being where we are from, it is an unspoken rule that you just simply don't get involved in someone else's affairs if it does not concern you. It is not your beef so why should you get involved? Which is very true and it also protects you. Because even a polite "what's going on" can lead to the tables turning on you and before you know it your in a life threatening situation.

There was one story when a little boy was getting rushed on a packed bus by a group of like 15 youths and everyone just ignored it like it was not happening. Which I thought was shocking but I questioned myself and I would have probably done the same thing.

I remember going to a temp job around Christmas times like 2 years ago and I was on Tottenham High Road at like 5:30 in the morning. I was walking towards the bus stop and there seemed to be one crazy guy talking to two people. As I got closer I realised it was a typical "Jacking" situation where the guy was searching the guys looking for possessions he could steal.

Now I just walked past pretending not to see what was happening, just praying the guy did not see me as a potential victim because it was way too early for me to start fighting. But my bus came and I hopped on it just thankful this crazy guy had not tried to approach me. I do not know what happened to the other two guys.............................

And that's just the thing. In this day and age even if we see someone is in need of help, would we help them?
I'm sure the usual things run through our heads...

"Its not my place to get involved"

"What about if I get hurt trying to help this person?"

"Maybe they deserve it, who knows, they might have a valid reason for wanting to hurt the person?"

The documentary told the story of a woman called Roisin whose son had seen some children getting jacked and he decided to go and intervene. Unfortunately, he was fatally stabbed by the guy who was doing the jacking. A sad story I know but a real one. There is no guarantee when intervening in a dangerous situation that you will come out safe the other side.

There was another story of a guy who was getting his head kicked in by some crazy guy, luckily a passer by and a wife came to the guys rescue and saved his life.

So what would your choice be?

I guess it all comes down to what you could live with.
Could you live with the fact that a person died when it was well within your means to help them?
Or could you not live with the fact that by you helping someone it could end up with you being the one seriously harmed and your friends and family grieving over you.

I don't really have an answer, guess you just have to be in that type of situation.

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