Friday, 2 January 2009

Why I Hate Ex's

Now this a blog post 5 years in the making. On my travels and numeorus encounters with the species known as the opposite sex; I always seem to find one common denominator between most of them. And that is


I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!!!!

Now, I'm sure your wondering where all this pent up aggression originates from. Let me tell you:

In my short 21 years of life I have had the (dis)pleasure of meeting a lot of females and becoming friends with them. With these interactions it is only human that I would like to take a few of these friendships further (if you know what I'm saying). Everything would be going fine until someone comes along to f**k it up. Yep, you guessed it people...................THE EX.

I tell you people he is an abomination. A block between two people really trying to get to know each other. He is an emotional terrorist with many weapons at his disposal.
I tell you people The Ex is one of the most cunning creatures you will ever meet. And their sole purpose is to intentionally f**k up everything you and your new partner are trying to accomplish.

When you want some alone time with your new partner, he will be there ringing of her phone like a mad man. He will be there sending 10 texts in the space of 10 minutes. Ranging from "I thought you loved me, how could you do this to me?",to - "Ok I accept you have someone new, but can't we just be friends, to "Your a f*****g p***k watch when I see you!".

You can see people that The Ex is an emotionally unbalanced individual. But there is an even more sinister variation to The Ex. That is the Crazy/Psychotic/Deranged Ex.


The crazy Ex in public, will act well balanced, logical and sane but when they are behind closed doors and once they start feeling a little lonely all that is thrown out the window. It really is a case od Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The good guy disappears and the psycho comes out. I know a lot of people reading this will know at least one person that has had to deal with a crazy ex if you haven't had to deal with one yourself.

The craxy Ex persists in being a problem. They will not allow their old partner to move on with their lives in any way, shape or form. They act as if p***y is going to become extinct and the only one that is going to survive is the girl you're trying to move to. Seriously, p***y is not going anywhere, its so abundant you can find it anywhere! I mean there are plenty more fish in the sea, MOVE ON!! You had your chance just move on. Why continue to degrade yourself when its clear she will not take you back.

But there is something that really pisses me off more than crazy Ex's. It is the females that entertain their Ex's abnormal behaviour or even in some extreme cases they still like they're ex. These females I have no respect so whatsoever. They will not only lead a guy to believe they have a future together but when the times is right they will then throw him away like a used condom. I understand if you were together for 4 years and he took your virginity, and you were going to get married and all your firends and family know each other blah blah blah (all that is BS to me). You obviously broke up for a reason and if you continue to have an unhealthy obsession with your ex then you'll just end up messing up future relationships. Thinking about, I guess every guy will play second fiddle to the guy that came before him, I guess that's just how it works.

I hope this post hasn't brought up any bad memories and if your a crazy ex then I plead with you................ please change your ways!!!
And if your still into ur ex and you don't want to move on with your life then I have no respect for you and you can carry on with your pitiful existence. F*****G WASTE PEOPLE!!

Until next time people.........................................I'M OUT.

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