Instead of a nice group of females who I could talk to I was faced with the hostile and snotty attitude of a group of African females. It was a thing where we had walked in and before we had even collected out plate of jollof rice and assorted meats these girls were already looking at us like we were vermin. They gave us the "Don't even try move to us, otherwise you're going to get turfed" kind of look. One of them even had the skill to cut her eyes, kiss her teeth and turn her nose up at us all at the same time. I could hear their tough African accents getting gassed cos' they thought they were the shit.
I mean I could understand if you are choong and ever since you were 15 you've had all manner of boys trying to move to you and you just don't want the hassle. But when I say these girls were ugly, I mean U.G.L.Y. I know some of you might seem that the word is harsh, but honestly there is no other word I can think of to fully encapsulate the emotions that ran through my body when I proper took time to gaze upon their faces. If you're ugly then you're ugly, there's no two ways about it. I'm sorry its just that simple.
Now on a later reflection I was wondering if there was a mirror shortage that I did not know about at the time. Because it must be obvious to someone who is good looking impaired that they are ugly. There is a constant reminder when they look in the mirror, when they pass a shop window, even when they pass a car. So I'm baffled as to where this attitude of choongness comes from. That for me is one of the audacious crimes a person can commit. To go on choong when you are ugly.
Now if your memory is failing you at the moment just lemme give you a little reminder of what Beyonce looks like:

Beyonce is no doubt a beautiful woman and it is understandable why African females would see her a suitable role model to base themselves upon. I started thinking maybe it was because these girls probably thought that they had bodies which entitled to such a sour attitude. Now we know African females are known for having bodies, but this is still no excuse.
These African girls were butterz, and i mean:

Don't even get me started on the tribal scars I was seeing as well. You see those ones where the cuts look like the same ones on freshly baked bread. Ones where the cuts are so deep it still looks like the skin is being stretched apart. And the cuts are so deep you can start to see the white of the cheekbones.
Most of these African girls would like to believe they look like Beyonce or if they know they have a body at least like this:

But in reality you're closer to this:

Now don't get me wrong. I know a lot of beautiful African females and I love my African sisters. Its just these ugly ones that think too much of themselves that I can't stand. And ladies I'm sure there are certain guys out there that you feel exactly the same about.
All I'm saying is your daddy may have gassed your head with tales of princesses and that you are beautiful and these off the boat African guys have told you every lie under the sun to get you into bed but PLEASE stop fooling yourselves. Don't allow an ugly personality go hand in hand with your ugly face as well.
Peace xxxx
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