Oh My Dayz............................ I'm really going to bring back a lot of memories with this one. This is an Old Skool Garage Classic. I mean SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. Do I know my music or do I know my music? I know when you listen to the song you're gonna be like "that was my TUUUUUUUUUNE!"
Any way for your listening pleasure here's MJ Cole - Crazy Love.
I tried to get the original video for you but youtube would not let me embed the actual video. But you can just go there yourself and watch the actual video to bring bakc even more memories. But the live performance is not bad at all.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Forget Me Nots- Back In The Day Record Of The Week #2
SO...........................Most girls are Rihanna now??
WHATS UP PEOPLE??????????????????????????????
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I KNOW! I ain't put up a proper blog post in time, but llow me. I've been over busy recently. But I'm taking a few minutes out of my busy schedule to bless you with some well deserved observations from within MIKEZ WORLD. I mean its only fair, you guys have been waiting a while now.
Now if you're one of my FB friends then you know I put up rather controversial status updates form time to time. Now over the last month or so I've been seeing more and more females with a certain hairstyle. I know you know which one I'm talking about. One of my female friends referred to them as "bangs", its like the female version of the mohicans bare man dem have back in endz. But yeah it is hairstyle that Rihanna does very well:
I have to admit Rihanna looks good in her chosen hairstyle. But too many times have I walked past females that cannot see where they are going because the fringe is covering their eyes and trying to reach down to their lips. I mean why does your fringe have to be that extreme? God gave you eyes for a reason. I think "bangs" is a suitable name for this hairstyle because that's what sound you will hear when you walk straight into a street lamp if you're not careful. That's not to say I have not seen girls pull of this hairstyle, cos I have. BUT that does not mean that everyone is able too. Now for Rihanna, it is not merely a hairstyle, it is a clever cover because she has an unusually large forehead:
Anyway it is not hard to see why I call it the "Cousin IT" hairstyle:

Also, again Rihanna is known for wearing lipstick, which again I say she can pull off:
But too many females have this "if she can do it, then I can too" attitude which is simply not true. There have been too many FB photo albums I look through with females thinking they'll just dab some lipstick on and just end up looking horrendous. If you do not look good with lipstick on then just LEAVE IT ALONE!!
Better to look normal with no lipstick on than gamble and end up looking like a Victorian prostitute. Hopefully my advice will be heeded.
But anyway certain people are starting to think I'm a female hater cos one too many of posts have been dedicated to the failings of their looks so I promise I won't do anyhting like this for a while. Just had to do this one to get it off my chect.
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I KNOW! I ain't put up a proper blog post in time, but llow me. I've been over busy recently. But I'm taking a few minutes out of my busy schedule to bless you with some well deserved observations from within MIKEZ WORLD. I mean its only fair, you guys have been waiting a while now.
Now if you're one of my FB friends then you know I put up rather controversial status updates form time to time. Now over the last month or so I've been seeing more and more females with a certain hairstyle. I know you know which one I'm talking about. One of my female friends referred to them as "bangs", its like the female version of the mohicans bare man dem have back in endz. But yeah it is hairstyle that Rihanna does very well:

Anyway it is not hard to see why I call it the "Cousin IT" hairstyle:

Also, again Rihanna is known for wearing lipstick, which again I say she can pull off:

Better to look normal with no lipstick on than gamble and end up looking like a Victorian prostitute. Hopefully my advice will be heeded.
But anyway certain people are starting to think I'm a female hater cos one too many of posts have been dedicated to the failings of their looks so I promise I won't do anyhting like this for a while. Just had to do this one to get it off my chect.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
What is it with these fresh African girls with their scarred up faces thinking they're Beyonce?
This post is in response to a Facebook status I had a couple of months ago which got a lot of interesting responses. The actual phrase was coined by my cousin (I added the tribal scars bit) when we went to an Nigerian function together about a year ago. Now we went there just planning to have a good time and obviously feast our eyes on the beauty Africa had to offer. Unfortunately African beauty couldn't it make it that night and sent ugliness in its place as a very poor substitute.
Instead of a nice group of females who I could talk to I was faced with the hostile and snotty attitude of a group of African females. It was a thing where we had walked in and before we had even collected out plate of jollof rice and assorted meats these girls were already looking at us like we were vermin. They gave us the "Don't even try move to us, otherwise you're going to get turfed" kind of look. One of them even had the skill to cut her eyes, kiss her teeth and turn her nose up at us all at the same time. I could hear their tough African accents getting gassed cos' they thought they were the shit.
I mean I could understand if you are choong and ever since you were 15 you've had all manner of boys trying to move to you and you just don't want the hassle. But when I say these girls were ugly, I mean U.G.L.Y. I know some of you might seem that the word is harsh, but honestly there is no other word I can think of to fully encapsulate the emotions that ran through my body when I proper took time to gaze upon their faces. If you're ugly then you're ugly, there's no two ways about it. I'm sorry its just that simple.
Now on a later reflection I was wondering if there was a mirror shortage that I did not know about at the time. Because it must be obvious to someone who is good looking impaired that they are ugly. There is a constant reminder when they look in the mirror, when they pass a shop window, even when they pass a car. So I'm baffled as to where this attitude of choongness comes from. That for me is one of the audacious crimes a person can commit. To go on choong when you are ugly.
Now if your memory is failing you at the moment just lemme give you a little reminder of what Beyonce looks like:
Beyonce is no doubt a beautiful woman and it is understandable why African females would see her a suitable role model to base themselves upon. I started thinking maybe it was because these girls probably thought that they had bodies which entitled to such a sour attitude. Now we know African females are known for having bodies, but this is still no excuse.
These African girls were butterz, and i mean:

Don't even get me started on the tribal scars I was seeing as well. You see those ones where the cuts look like the same ones on freshly baked bread. Ones where the cuts are so deep it still looks like the skin is being stretched apart. And the cuts are so deep you can start to see the white of the cheekbones.
Most of these African girls would like to believe they look like Beyonce or if they know they have a body at least like this:
But in reality you're closer to this:

Now don't get me wrong. I know a lot of beautiful African females and I love my African sisters. Its just these ugly ones that think too much of themselves that I can't stand. And ladies I'm sure there are certain guys out there that you feel exactly the same about.
All I'm saying is your daddy may have gassed your head with tales of princesses and that you are beautiful and these off the boat African guys have told you every lie under the sun to get you into bed but PLEASE stop fooling yourselves. Don't allow an ugly personality go hand in hand with your ugly face as well.
Peace xxxx
Instead of a nice group of females who I could talk to I was faced with the hostile and snotty attitude of a group of African females. It was a thing where we had walked in and before we had even collected out plate of jollof rice and assorted meats these girls were already looking at us like we were vermin. They gave us the "Don't even try move to us, otherwise you're going to get turfed" kind of look. One of them even had the skill to cut her eyes, kiss her teeth and turn her nose up at us all at the same time. I could hear their tough African accents getting gassed cos' they thought they were the shit.
I mean I could understand if you are choong and ever since you were 15 you've had all manner of boys trying to move to you and you just don't want the hassle. But when I say these girls were ugly, I mean U.G.L.Y. I know some of you might seem that the word is harsh, but honestly there is no other word I can think of to fully encapsulate the emotions that ran through my body when I proper took time to gaze upon their faces. If you're ugly then you're ugly, there's no two ways about it. I'm sorry its just that simple.
Now on a later reflection I was wondering if there was a mirror shortage that I did not know about at the time. Because it must be obvious to someone who is good looking impaired that they are ugly. There is a constant reminder when they look in the mirror, when they pass a shop window, even when they pass a car. So I'm baffled as to where this attitude of choongness comes from. That for me is one of the audacious crimes a person can commit. To go on choong when you are ugly.
Now if your memory is failing you at the moment just lemme give you a little reminder of what Beyonce looks like:

Beyonce is no doubt a beautiful woman and it is understandable why African females would see her a suitable role model to base themselves upon. I started thinking maybe it was because these girls probably thought that they had bodies which entitled to such a sour attitude. Now we know African females are known for having bodies, but this is still no excuse.
These African girls were butterz, and i mean:

Don't even get me started on the tribal scars I was seeing as well. You see those ones where the cuts look like the same ones on freshly baked bread. Ones where the cuts are so deep it still looks like the skin is being stretched apart. And the cuts are so deep you can start to see the white of the cheekbones.
Most of these African girls would like to believe they look like Beyonce or if they know they have a body at least like this:

But in reality you're closer to this:

Now don't get me wrong. I know a lot of beautiful African females and I love my African sisters. Its just these ugly ones that think too much of themselves that I can't stand. And ladies I'm sure there are certain guys out there that you feel exactly the same about.
All I'm saying is your daddy may have gassed your head with tales of princesses and that you are beautiful and these off the boat African guys have told you every lie under the sun to get you into bed but PLEASE stop fooling yourselves. Don't allow an ugly personality go hand in hand with your ugly face as well.
Peace xxxx
Friday, 2 January 2009
Why I Hate Ex's
Now this a blog post 5 years in the making. On my travels and numeorus encounters with the species known as the opposite sex; I always seem to find one common denominator between most of them. And that is
I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!!!!
Now, I'm sure your wondering where all this pent up aggression originates from. Let me tell you:
In my short 21 years of life I have had the (dis)pleasure of meeting a lot of females and becoming friends with them. With these interactions it is only human that I would like to take a few of these friendships further (if you know what I'm saying). Everything would be going fine until someone comes along to f**k it up. Yep, you guessed it people...................THE EX.
I tell you people he is an abomination. A block between two people really trying to get to know each other. He is an emotional terrorist with many weapons at his disposal.
I tell you people The Ex is one of the most cunning creatures you will ever meet. And their sole purpose is to intentionally f**k up everything you and your new partner are trying to accomplish.
When you want some alone time with your new partner, he will be there ringing of her phone like a mad man. He will be there sending 10 texts in the space of 10 minutes. Ranging from "I thought you loved me, how could you do this to me?",to - "Ok I accept you have someone new, but can't we just be friends, to "Your a f*****g p***k watch when I see you!".
You can see people that The Ex is an emotionally unbalanced individual. But there is an even more sinister variation to The Ex. That is the Crazy/Psychotic/Deranged Ex.
The crazy Ex in public, will act well balanced, logical and sane but when they are behind closed doors and once they start feeling a little lonely all that is thrown out the window. It really is a case od Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The good guy disappears and the psycho comes out. I know a lot of people reading this will know at least one person that has had to deal with a crazy ex if you haven't had to deal with one yourself.
The craxy Ex persists in being a problem. They will not allow their old partner to move on with their lives in any way, shape or form. They act as if p***y is going to become extinct and the only one that is going to survive is the girl you're trying to move to. Seriously, p***y is not going anywhere, its so abundant you can find it anywhere! I mean there are plenty more fish in the sea, MOVE ON!! You had your chance just move on. Why continue to degrade yourself when its clear she will not take you back.
But there is something that really pisses me off more than crazy Ex's. It is the females that entertain their Ex's abnormal behaviour or even in some extreme cases they still like they're ex. These females I have no respect so whatsoever. They will not only lead a guy to believe they have a future together but when the times is right they will then throw him away like a used condom. I understand if you were together for 4 years and he took your virginity, and you were going to get married and all your firends and family know each other blah blah blah (all that is BS to me). You obviously broke up for a reason and if you continue to have an unhealthy obsession with your ex then you'll just end up messing up future relationships. Thinking about, I guess every guy will play second fiddle to the guy that came before him, I guess that's just how it works.
I hope this post hasn't brought up any bad memories and if your a crazy ex then I plead with you................ please change your ways!!!
And if your still into ur ex and you don't want to move on with your life then I have no respect for you and you can carry on with your pitiful existence. F*****G WASTE PEOPLE!!
Until next time people.........................................I'M OUT.
I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!!!!
Now, I'm sure your wondering where all this pent up aggression originates from. Let me tell you:
In my short 21 years of life I have had the (dis)pleasure of meeting a lot of females and becoming friends with them. With these interactions it is only human that I would like to take a few of these friendships further (if you know what I'm saying). Everything would be going fine until someone comes along to f**k it up. Yep, you guessed it people...................THE EX.
I tell you people he is an abomination. A block between two people really trying to get to know each other. He is an emotional terrorist with many weapons at his disposal.
I tell you people The Ex is one of the most cunning creatures you will ever meet. And their sole purpose is to intentionally f**k up everything you and your new partner are trying to accomplish.
When you want some alone time with your new partner, he will be there ringing of her phone like a mad man. He will be there sending 10 texts in the space of 10 minutes. Ranging from "I thought you loved me, how could you do this to me?",to - "Ok I accept you have someone new, but can't we just be friends, to "Your a f*****g p***k watch when I see you!".
You can see people that The Ex is an emotionally unbalanced individual. But there is an even more sinister variation to The Ex. That is the Crazy/Psychotic/Deranged Ex.
The crazy Ex in public, will act well balanced, logical and sane but when they are behind closed doors and once they start feeling a little lonely all that is thrown out the window. It really is a case od Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The good guy disappears and the psycho comes out. I know a lot of people reading this will know at least one person that has had to deal with a crazy ex if you haven't had to deal with one yourself.
The craxy Ex persists in being a problem. They will not allow their old partner to move on with their lives in any way, shape or form. They act as if p***y is going to become extinct and the only one that is going to survive is the girl you're trying to move to. Seriously, p***y is not going anywhere, its so abundant you can find it anywhere! I mean there are plenty more fish in the sea, MOVE ON!! You had your chance just move on. Why continue to degrade yourself when its clear she will not take you back.
But there is something that really pisses me off more than crazy Ex's. It is the females that entertain their Ex's abnormal behaviour or even in some extreme cases they still like they're ex. These females I have no respect so whatsoever. They will not only lead a guy to believe they have a future together but when the times is right they will then throw him away like a used condom. I understand if you were together for 4 years and he took your virginity, and you were going to get married and all your firends and family know each other blah blah blah (all that is BS to me). You obviously broke up for a reason and if you continue to have an unhealthy obsession with your ex then you'll just end up messing up future relationships. Thinking about, I guess every guy will play second fiddle to the guy that came before him, I guess that's just how it works.
I hope this post hasn't brought up any bad memories and if your a crazy ex then I plead with you................ please change your ways!!!
And if your still into ur ex and you don't want to move on with your life then I have no respect for you and you can carry on with your pitiful existence. F*****G WASTE PEOPLE!!
Until next time people.........................................I'M OUT.
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