Friday 11 June 2010

The Experiment: Movement One - Denial

With something as delicate as this I understand one must go through a number of stages. For the benefit of the subsequent posts I will be following the stages Ms Badu used on the song 'Green Eyes'.

You are wrong.

I guess what I feel most is disappointment. I am not angry, miserable or heartbroken. I feel a lot of little things but no single one big enough for it to have a word as a feeling. But if I combine all these things together the nearest word I can find in my vocabulary is......disappointment, although even this word is seriously lacking. I'm disappointed in myself, in your "reasons" and how you chose to give up.

I still don't really understand what went wrong. Yeah we'd argue, but who doesn't? Yeah we don't see exactly eye-to-eye but who does? You probably think it was the "noble" thing to do but I feel like you jumped ship first due to you thinking I would possible do it first and that you wouldn't have to deal with the fallout.

Or was it your confusion? Like I said carry on saying you did it for "us" but its clear your motivations were purely selfish. For all the time it took you to finally become serious this how you reward my patience?

I don't even know how to feel, what to write or how to think.
I'm just kinda......disappointed.

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